
Picture of Russell Hollick

Russell Hollick

Russell has been with SYSPRO since 1982 and is currently the Chief Software Architect at SYSPRO, a role he has held since 2015. He is responsible for the core components of the software that enables innovative ERP for customers to leverage the digital opportunity. Not only does Russell build the foundations of SYSPRO software, but also the indispensable security, authentication and encryption aspects of the framework. Russell has extensive experience in implementing, SQL Server, Reporting Services, Analytics, Electronic Signatures, Online help, and other vital architectural components.

Posts by Russell Hollick

ERP and TechnologyERP and Digitization

What manufacturers need to know about IIoT

In 2018 a Forbes magazine published an article entitled “Every company is a data company” in which the authors urged …

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Managing-Operating ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

How low-code / no-code can be used in ERP

The pandemic not only spurred significant digital transformation but also accelerated the adoption of low-code and no-code software, driven by …

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ERP UpgradesERP and Data

How to Adapt to Current Workforce Trends

There has been a great deal of discussion surrounding the supposedly differing attitudes to work found in each generation. What …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Data

Connected Systems are Making Intelligent Manufacturing Possible

The original industrial revolution transformed not just the way humans manufactured things, but how and where we lived. Today, what …

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ERP UpgradesBusiness software

Six Ways to Achieve Personalization in Your ERP Workspace

ERP can be an incredibly significant solution for business; if implemented correctly it can create a more efficient and productive …

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Managing-Operating ERP

Managing Business Growth with a Scalable ERP System

Rapid growth. Two words usually associated with increased profit, improved output and enhanced business performance. Right? Not always.

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Managing-Operating ERP

Benefits of an ERP Release Preview for Users

We have released our Preview version of our latest SYSPRO version to Developers and Channel Partners in the form of …

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Applying and Operating ERP

Adopting SQL Adds Value to Our Customers ERP and Business

Whilst the majority of SYSPRO systems already use Microsoft SQL Server as their database of choice we still have some …

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