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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

CFO 4.0 – Manufacturing & Cybercrime – Assessing your Financial Risk

Sometimes it takes an unfortunate occurrence, initiated by malicious actors, to …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Technology

How Traceability can Improve Customer Satisfaction

Recalls are expensive and often extremely damaging to not only the …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

How to Maintain the Supply Chain in the COVID-19 Crisis

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March …

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

Effective Traceability – An Insurance Policy for the Electronics Industry

Product recalls are one of the biggest risks that manufacturers have to face. According …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

How to Digitally Transform Your Business with ERP

Digital transformation is a phrase that has been discussed, exchanged and …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

What Supply Chain Visibility Means for Your Business

In the past few years, supply chains have become increasingly more …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

Building Digital Resilience for a New Business Decade

As we start to settle into 2020, it promises to be …

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Services and Support for ERPBusiness software

The True Story of Customer Satisfaction in Africa

After 4 days of meetings with customers in Kenya, I have …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Analytics

The Digital Transformation Journey: Part 3 – How to Avoid Implementation Failure

As your manufacturing firm seeks to diversify, improve operational efficiencies and …

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