
ERP and Technology

ERP and TechnologyCloud computing

Let’s Get Engaged! The Marriage of UX and Industry 4.0

The phrase ’employee engagement’ – is something I hear a lot in my job. Everyone knows that employee engagement is …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Analytics

How Tools in Your ERP Can Surface the Right Data

We live in a time of exponentially increasing distractions. We are constantly bombarded by information whether it be social, news …

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Webbased ERP _interface_erp_technology
ERP and Technology

Simplicity and Flexibility with SYSPRO Avanti

I recently immigrated to another country and I have been thinking about the similarities between immigrating and companies changing their …

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ERP and Technology

How Tech can Help Business during a Tough 2019

The echoes of Auld Lang Syne had barely faded before news headlines started to warn us that 2019 would be …

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ERP and Technology

SYSPRO ERP Avanti puts User Experience at Centre Stage

Powerful converging technology trends are reshaping the modern workplace. Businesses today need to cater to the demands of an emerging …

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ERP and Technology

Genuine Production Gains from Artificial Intelligence

Getting more done in less time is the holy grail of productivity drives, in our own lives, and on the …

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ERP and Technology

What do Pizza and ERP have in Common?

The idea behind Aristotle’s philosophy that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts has always baffled me. …

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ERP and Technology

Why People Participation is Crucial for Technological Change

Time and again we have seen the same story play out in sci-fi movies: the robots rise up, and then …

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ERP innovation and technology
ERP and TechnologyTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

ERP – the Unseen Technology that Alters our Lives Every Day

A patient is rushed to the emergency room. After a brief evaluation, the medical staff will immediately start hooking them …

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