
Picture of Cathie Hall

Cathie Hall

Cathie Hall is the Chief Business Officer for the K3 Group, a Biz-Tech group serving retail, manufacturing and distribution customers. She is responsible for executing the strategy and working closely with a range of partners (including SYSPRO) to ensure that customer’s gain real, tangible benefits from their technology. K3 believes in making technology possible.

Posts by Cathie Hall

Managing-Operating ERPSelecting ERP

Why your ERP people are as critical as your ERP product

How can ERP service help manufacturers realize their strategic goals? Vendors continually invest in their products to ensure world class …

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Applying and Operating ERPTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

The IT Women

Women are still under represented in the IT community, whether in management, project, consultancy, infrastructure, technical or development roles.  Big …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

Four ways to achieve ROI with ERP

Return on investment (ROI) is often cited in relationship to ERP but not so often achieved.  It doesn’t matter whether …

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ERP for ManufacturingManaging inventory with ERP

Tips on Optimizing Procurement

It’s a long time since the sales team got all the glamour and recognition for being the business heroes, now …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPSYSPRO Process Modeling

The Perfect Partner in ERP

Regular readers of the blog may remember my post “owning change” written just after my wedding in November 2013.  It …

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ERP and Mobile BusinessSYSPRO Espresso

Favorite SYSPRO Espresso apps

Those that know me well, know my reputation for being “the lady with the laptop.”  There are numerous photographs of …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

Taking our own medicine with implementing an ERP upgrade

There is something to be said for taking your own medicine. As a SYSPRO distributor, K3 Syspro uses SYSPRO internally. …

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Supply Chain Management and ERP

SYSPRO in the procurement chain

I recently took part in a management workshop, which saw two competing teams manufacturing a particular structure.  This was a …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

The ERP Games

The Commonwealth Games in Glasgow are almost upon us, and most people in the UK are thinking back to the …

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