
Picture of Cathie Hall

Cathie Hall

Cathie Hall is the Chief Business Officer for the K3 Group, a Biz-Tech group serving retail, manufacturing and distribution customers. She is responsible for executing the strategy and working closely with a range of partners (including SYSPRO) to ensure that customer’s gain real, tangible benefits from their technology. K3 believes in making technology possible.

Posts by Cathie Hall

Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

Simple Ways to Fight Business Fraud Part 2

In my first “fighting fraud” blog, I talked about fighting fraud on the human front.  And as promised this blog …

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Applying and Operating ERP

5 Simple Ways to Fight Business Fraud Part 1

Many business leaders are increasingly feeling the pressure to fight fraud on a number of fronts. I think about these …

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Managing-Operating ERPERP and Analytics

Keeping your ERP Resolutions

We all start the year with good intentions of what we will and won’t do, but by mid-January most of …

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ERP for ManufacturingTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

The Evolution of the Manufacturing Landscape

I have attended a number of manufacturing events recently, including our own UK customer event.  In talking to manufacturers at …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPManaging inventory with ERP

How ERP Meets the Challenge of Uncertainty

There is no doubt that, globally, these are uncertain times.  From the UK’s surprise Brexit decision to the election in …

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Managing-Operating ERPERP Implementation

How does ERP Fit into the Factory of the Future?

There’s no doubt that the global manufacturing industry is evolving at a rapid pace. During SYSPRO’s time exhibiting at MACH …

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Managing-Operating ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

4 Ways to Maximize the Value of your ERP

Yesterday afternoon I had a phone call from a relatively new customer, James Briggs, who ‘went live’ with SYSPRO a …

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Applying and Operating ERP

The Art of The Possible

Like most products and services influenced by technology, ERP has evolved rapidly over the years. It’s no longer just about …

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Applying and Operating ERPSelecting ERP

5 ERP Selection Tips for a Harmonious Partnership

My comparison of an ERP solution to a marriage has been met with varying degrees of skepticism over the years. …

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