
Business software

Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Getting to know you

The title that comes to mind and feels very personal is a term coined by SYSPRO’s Cape Town office: “Meryling”. …

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

Lumbering Through Waste Reduction

Recently I was watching one of those “how things are made” TV shows which featured a saw mill. I was …

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Cloud ERPBusiness software

Coming out of the (book) closet

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Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

From getting lost to getting there

Isn’t it interesting how people give route directions differently, each believing to get the listener to his rightful destination in …

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Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

Maturing seamlessly

Imagine living in a world where we humans don’t age gradually: we do so in one leap every birthday. After …

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Dear Diary, My friend David popped round for dinner the other evening, deeply troubled. He told me that when he …

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Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

Chapter 1,023

I have tried. I really have. But no matter how many times I have attempted to read a James Patterson …

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