
Business software

power tailoring skills
Services and Support for ERPBusiness software

Getting the skills for SYSPRO power tailoring

As a cycling fan, I am excited by the start of each new season particularly spring time as the “Spring …

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Ensuring ERP readiness
Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

ERP Ready?

It’s May already and I am just 6 weeks away from my epic run across England, the Wall Run. 69 …

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perfect ERP fit
Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

In search of the perfect (ERP) fit

Recently I have been exposed to a big debate on an ERP LinkedIn forum around the use of descriptions in …

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optimize your erp education
Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

How to optimize your ERP education for the Net and Millennial Generations

Learning how to use an ERP system is not always that easy but it can be significantly simplified with an …

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Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

SYSPRO Quantum Architecture –Business Management of Material, Costs and Cash –Part 2

On my previous post, I blogged about how Einstein’s Theory of Relativity inspired the SYSPRO USA go-to-market campaign ‘S=MC²’; where …

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Time for a Spring Clean
Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Time for a Spring Clean?

It’s springtime again and my favourite time of year, Christmas is now a distant memory and seeing the parks and …

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Big data
Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Big data and the SMB market

You may have heard of the term ‘big data’ – it’s one of those technologies that some people are making …

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The Art of Learning New Systems
Services and Support for ERPBusiness software

The Art of Learning New Systems

In my current and relatively new position, I’ve had to get to grips with a number of new systems – …

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Celebrating Dynamism Within the IT Industry
Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

Celebrating Dynamism Within the IT Industry

With the festive season just past, it got me thinking about a friend and colleague who in my opinion encapsulates …

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