Security beyond the safety of ERP

erp data security
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In a recent conversation we were discussing how secure our ERP system was, considering all the wonderful levels we had in place such as Role-based, Operator and Group Security; including restricted access at company, programs, feature and field level, not to mention electronic signatures, encrypted passwords and workflow controls.

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Defining and Managing Project Scope

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When people talk about the three critical factors of projects, they refer to scope, time and cost. It is well documented that you can’t change one without impacting the other two, yet it still seems to come as a surprise when a change in scope delays a project or increases the cost.

One of my early mentors in project management used to drum into me the importance of scope management. “Where’s the scope documented?” would be the first response whenever you went to her for advice.

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Taking stock and looking ahead to 2013

Taking stock and looking ahead to 2013
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Regardless of what business you happen to be in, the end of the year is a natural time to reflect on what’s happened in our lives, our organisations and around the world. Although the global manufacturing sector has shown erratic and generally slow performance this year, the economic powerhouses of the US and China managed to register slight improvements in manufacturing activity in October. However, many other economies around the world suffered further contraction or flat growth across their manufacturing industries.

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Of Wedding Bells and ERP Implementation

Reading Time: 2 minutes

At first glance, weddings and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum. Yet, as I start on my journey to marriage next year, planning the wedding with my fiancée has shown me that the two might not make such strange bedfellows after all.

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No Business is Too Small for Inventory Control

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A few months back, I wrote a blog entry comparing the uncanny similarities between building your own furniture and ERP selection. Reflecting back on that post, I decided to brainstorm additional daily/real-life scenarios that can also be compared to daily struggles that manufacturers and distributors face within their own businesses. What was the next issue I decided to address? Inventory management and, well…baking a pumpkin pie.

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The Changing Role of the CFO

The Changing Role of the CFO
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a recent article by Paul Taylor in the Financial Times, he discusses the changing dynamics of the C-suite. He looks at the strong trend towards collaboration among roles as opposed to the multiple silos that we have seen in the past. Taylor talks to how CIOs, who have in the past focused primarily on IT, now need to be well-versed across a myriad of business responsibilities. In turn, the CEO and CFO need to understand IT and its role in the company.

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The Endless Capabilities of Windows 8

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Three syllables which currently polarize opinion wherever you look and whoever you talk to: Windows 8.

I won’t bore you with yet another opinion on whether Windows 8 is going to make or break Microsoft, whether the versions on sale are going to confuse consumers or whether Apple is going to become the all-conquering tech giant off the back of this. What I will share with you is what I’m looking forward to seeing and using in the new Operating System (OS), and how this will affect my personal and professional life for the better.

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Managing Governance and Compliance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ten years ago, in 2002, a law was passed in the US Congress that has had a lasting effect on business. The law was Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and introduced sweeping changes to financial reporting. Other countries followed suit, and now wherever you go the regulatory requirements for governance and compliance reporting have continued to grow. This includes other areas of businesses as well, including: manufacturing, supply chain, product quality and safety.

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The Problem Solving Mindset

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The power failures caused by Hurricane Sandy in the USA made me think about all the things that can go wrong for a business, including the less obvious problems, when there is a power failure; and how important it is to be able to think and act quickly. In fact it reminded me specifically of a recent incident in SYSPRO and how some quick thinking solved what may have been a much bigger problem.

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